Don't Worry, Be Happy - LaQuenda Jackson

These words have never been more important than they are today. The nation is in the midst of a global pandemic caused by the CoronaVirus. People are dying, businesses are closing, jobs are being lost and no one knows what to do. 

How do you fight against a seemingly unbeatable enemy and increasingly insurmountable odds? You don’t.

In last week's message, Lay Speaker Stoney Jackson addressed the next piece of the “I Quit” series. His suggestion to us was Don’t Worry, Be Happy. 

In reading Matthew 6:25-34, we are told not to worry about our lives, what we wear of what we eat. God will provide. In times like these, I would argue that it’s hard not to worry. The pandemic has had a domino effect, crippling the economy, creating pressure on the healthcare industry and, more importantly, taking people’s lives. In the wake of the CoronaVirus, there has been a call for social distancing, staying at home and only going out when absolutely necessary. Life has changed for the entire world.

Saying that everyone across the globe is worried is an understatement. But haven’t we been in impossible situations before? When Pharaoh was in hot pursuit and the Red Sea stood between  the Israelites and freedom, God created the intercoastal freeway and his people crossed over onto dry land. When David was a lightweight in the heavyweight division match against Goliath, God was with David and he had a KO in the first round.

Won’t he do it. Then why do we worry? 

On Sunday, Stoney told the virtual audience that we have one job and that is to trust in God. He  said it’s okay to be concerned but not consumed by what is happening around us. Don’t be fearful, be faithful. When fear knocks on the door of our lives, send faith to answer and fear will disappear. 

In the end, worry doesn’t take away tomorrow’s problems. It takes away today’s peace. Instead of worrying about what might happen, thank God for what he has done, what he is doing, and what he will do in the future. 

Don’t worry, be happy. God will take care of you.

Karen HamiltonComment