God Is Here - Alicia Jones

The other day while I was on social media, I came across this quote:" Be patient while this plays out-some of you are losing your mind about something God has already worked out. Reading this made me think, what am I going crazy about? Right now as I write this, there is so much going on in this world. It may lead us to think and even say out loud, "where is God?"

I remember in school one day my Trigonometry teacher once opened class with this statement on the board:"GODISNOWHERE". He gave us time to think and write down our thoughts. Once time was up, he said there are two types of people in the world: ones that see God Is Now Here and ones that see God Is No Where. He challenged us that day with which one are we?

Thinking back on that day and the thought of that quote from social media, I was able to realize that God has all of this already worked out. Our battle isn't against gender or race, but rather love versus hate. The world is the way it is because of fear. Fear can lead us to doing things we never thought we would or could do. This can occur when we lose sight of God, His love for us, and His love for others. I'm secure in this, not because I hold tightly to Jesus, but because he holds tightly to me. Love lifted me and it can surely lift you and this world. So hold fast to God's unchanging hand. Regardless of confusion in life, more month than money, endless issues; we walk by faith not by sight. As long as we let Him lead us, we'll be alright.

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